The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication

 The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication

by John Maxwell

The Most Effective Message is the One You Live
Live Out Your Message = The most effective message is the one you live. That means the message we have for others should be more than what we say, it must be who we are and what we do. Moral authority in teaching and communicating comes from our actions, not our words. The Law of Credibility is essential to be effective as a communicator.

The Good Learn from the Great
Learn From Great Communicators = Good communicators learn from great communicators. When observing great communicators, ask “How are they connecting with the audience?” Evaluate how successful speakers connect with people, and then ask yourself, “Can I do what they can do?” Start watching great speakers, listening to what they say and how they connect ... and you will become a better communicator.

The Stronger You Believe It, the More People Feel It
Passion Is Contagious = The stronger you believe it, the more people feel it. When a speaker not only teaches with clarity, but is filled with incredible conviction, passion, and heart, it draws people in emotionally. When people are drawn in, they admire and the passion becomes contagious ... and then it becomes powerful. Our greatest communication is in areas where our life has been changed or touched.

You Cannot Deliver What You Have Not Developed
Care For Your Audience And Prepare = You can’t deliver what you have not developed. How you prepare shows how much you care. When you prepare extensively, it shows you care for your audience. If you wing it, you may still be successful, but if you work for it instead, you will rise even higher and set yourself apart as a communicator.

Shared Thinking is Strong Thinking
Shared Thinking Leads To Better Ideas = Collaboration makes a difference. People who participate in shared thinking and collaboration come up with better thoughts and ideas together than those who only rely on their own thinking. That is the power of shared and sustained thinking.

When You Have Something Worth Saying, People Will Start Listening
When you have something worth saying people will listen. How can you make content weighty and life-changing? The best content involves education, action, entertainment, and connection. Use these 4 things when you communicate and make your audience feel like they are a part of something … Your communication will advance to the next level.

Communicators Know It’s All About Others
Get Over Yourself = Communicators know that it is all about others. The two ways to connect with others are … One, find common ground and … Two, get over yourself. Implementing these two things will change and lift your communication with your audience.

Good Communicators Lead with Their Strengths
Play To Your Strengths = Good communicators lead with their strengths and use them often. We all have natural strengths that are part of who we are. The 4 natural strengths are help, humor, heart, and hope. Which of these is part of your DNA? Use your natural strengths in your communication and you will have the advantage.

How to Multiply the Impact of Your Message
Have High Expectations = When you can’t wait to deliver a message, the audience can’t wait to hear it. People can tell when a speaker loves what they talk about. Next time you prepare a lesson and get ready to teach, feel good about it, believe the best about it, have high expectations, and anticipate that it will be the best message you have ever given … and it will help you help people.

Impact Others By Keeping it Simple - THE LAW OF SIMPLICITY
Less Is More= Communicators take something complicated and make it simple. This means they get to the point before people ask what the point is, and they use repetition. When you communicate with others ask yourself, “What do you want people to know?” and “What do you want them to do?” The goal is for the audience to understand and be able to apply the concepts you are teaching. Keep your message simple.

Your Message Moves Farther When You Show AND Tell - THE LAW OF VISUAL EXPRESSION 
People Do What People See = Show and tell is better than tell. A picture is worth a thousand words, but if you show a picture and communicate with words at the same time, it is life-changing. People do what people see. When your audience hears and sees your message, it doubles the strength of what you communicate.

How to Get Your Audience Invested in Your Message - THE LAW OF STORYTELLING
Tell Personal Stories - Everyone loves a story, but when you include personal stories in your message, it adds a whole new level of energy and anticipation. People love stories because they can put themselves into the story you are telling. When your audience can say, “I have been there also, I understand” storytelling becomes incredibly effective.

Impacting Your Listeners by Creating Excitement - THE LAW OF THERMOSTAT
Read The Room = Communicators read the room and then they change the temperature. You must adjust to your surroundings. The audience shouldn’t control the communicator, the communicator should control the audience. All great communicators read the room! 

Sew Seeds of Value, Reap Rewards - THE LAW OF ADDING VALUE
Sow Seeds, Add Value, and Make The Effort = People may forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel. When you add value to people, they feel it. It is essential to focus on sowing seeds, not reaping the harvest. Don’t wait for something good to happen to you … Instead, sow seeds, add value, and make the effort.

The Greatest Success in Communication is Action - THE LAW OF RESULTS
Take Action! - The greatest success in communication is action. Good communicators want the audience to apply and multiply. They add value to leaders who multiply value in others. Have a plan for growth and take action. You need to take action in order to gain traction to move forward.

The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication
We have a very exciting episode for you today! John Maxwell joins Mark Cole to discuss John’s new book, The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication! You’ll learn how Mark has been a case study in the principles in this book throughout the years John has coached him to be a more effective communicator. 


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